Scribbles Support

We’re here to help

Looking for support on a recent K-12 records request or enrollment application from Scribbles? Check out the FAQs below.

What is the status of my order?

In the email you received confirming your order, you will find a link that will redirect you to the order tracker. Here you will find updates on the status of your order. You can also visit your school or district’s order page and in the menu bar on the top of the page you can select ‘Order Tracker’. Should you need more information than what is available in the tracker, we recommend reaching out to the school district directly, as they handle all application processing and record distribution.

How can I make changes to my order?

For any changes to your order, it’s essential to reach out to the school district directly. Parchment does not have the authority to modify any applications. As the school district is responsible for processing the application, they have the capability to make the necessary edits to your information.

Why am I unable to download my document?

Has your download link expired or have you clicked the link one too many times? You will see a notification that says “Document is no longer available” when either your document has expired or has been viewed the maximum number of times. If you need the document to be resent, you can contact the school district directly since they handle all applications and records transmissions.

Where can I find more information on the Family Dashboard and enrolling my child in my local school system?

To help navigate through the Family Dashboard, use the following videos: Create an account, Adding a child, Submit an application, Upload documents to an application.

How do I make changes to my submitted enrollment application?

If you need to make changes to your previously submitted application, you will need to contact the school or district directly as only they will have access to the applications to make any edits.

Still have questions?

Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.

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