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Cowden-Herrick High School

633 Co. Hwy 22, Cowden, IL 62422-0188

Office Closed for Cowden-Herrick High School


We are currently out of the office for summer break until July 31, 2024. Miss Coughlin will be checking Parchment periodically during break to process transcript requests. If you need it sooner, please email her at Have a fun and safe summer!

A message from Cowden-Herrick High School


Sending your transcripts became so much easier with Parchment. If you were not a current student in 2021 when we transitioned to Parchment, you will need to create an account. Then you'll select where, when, and how you need your transcript to be sent. By doing it this way, your official documents remain confidential and are delivered with efficiency. If you have any questions about Parchment, select the "help" link above or call the School Counselor.

I am interested in being discovered by colleges, universities, and other organizations through Parchment and its partners for academic purposes, including recruitment. Find out more about being discovered through Parchment.

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