Higher Ed
A Framework for Non-Degree Credential Quality
Whether you’re a teacher, registrar, or another stakeholder in the education sector, podcasts are proving to be a valuable resource among the industry. Doug McKenna, Parchment member and host of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) podcast For the Record, shares his wisdom on topics ranging from academic transcripts to mentoring, Comprehensive Learner Records, and the transition to online learning.
Interested in taking a listen? Here’s a round-up of some of our favorite episodes:
Do you have a hard time explaining what you do for a living? Do you need a good laugh? You’ve found the right episode. Here, Doug dives into what the role of a registrar looks like for those who aren’t familiar with the job, and does so in a hilarious and informative way.
You’ve heard the phrase a million times: Work smarter, not harder. But how does this apply to registrars and admissions staff? In today’s learning and working environment, students and professionals alike are constantly expected to be as productive as possible. But what about understanding how to learn and work efficiently? In this episode, Doug shares some of his tried and true methods, tools and approaches to focus and operate in a more efficient manner — not burning yourself out along the way.
In this episode, Doug is joined by Tom Green and Mark McConahay to discuss the transformation of the student record. The CLR isn’t a replacement for the traditional transcript — it’s a new and improved opportunity for students to take their learning experiences and showcase them throughout their academic careers. This episode gives registrars an inside look into the developments of the CLR and how it can transform the learner’s career in the near future.
While the pandemic has encouraged a multitude of changes across districts, closing and merging institutions is nothing new — even before COVID-19, many institutions were dealt a hand of reduced state funding, a challenging recruiting environment and increased scrutiny related to post-secondary education. In this episode, Doug talks about what this experience looks like for registrar staff from an emotional and professional perspective.
Retiring doesn’t technically mean you have to throw in the professional towel. Instead, you may consider a new journey in the academic sector. In this episode, Doug is joined by Adrienne Bricker and Jennifer Love to talk about the number of registrars who are eligible to retire in the next decade, and how their presence as mentors for the next generation of higher education registrars and admissions staff can shape the future of the institution. Bricker and Love share their experiences mentoring, and how big of a difference it’s made.
All For the Record episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Buzzsprout, or wherever else you get your podcasts. Check out these podcasts and let us know what others you love.
Looking for more of Doug McKenna’s voice? Watch this webinar, Structuring The Registrar’s Office, on-demand now!