Eastern Kentucky University vs Eastern Illinois University
When students are admitted to two schools, they can only attend one. Which do they prefer? Compare colleges to find out.
For the full methodology, please see the bottom of the page. If the results are in color, then the difference is statistically significant at a 95% confidence level.
Switch out Eastern Kentucky University for a similar school:
Switch out Eastern Illinois University for a similar school:
- Illinois State University
- Northern Illinois University
- Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Western Illinois University
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- DePaul University
- Indiana State University
- Loyola University - Chicago
This is a "revealed preference" tool. For each school's percentage, the denominator includes all members who were admitted to both of these schools. The numerator includes those students who chose a given school. In other words, students who were admitted to both schools reveal their preference for one over the other by attending that school. To test for statistical significance at the 95% level, Wilson's method is employed.We hope you enjoy this new tool from Parchment, a site dedicated to helping you find the best colleges.