Parchment News

You’ve Got Status! K12 Member Status Program is Here

Parchment Staff  •  Mar 09, 2017  •  Blog

Just like a frequent flier program, K12 counselors and registrars can get rewarded for the work you’re already doing. The more transcripts (or other records!) you send electronically for your students using Parchment, the higher you’ll climb in our status tiers. And that can mean big prizes for you, efficiency for you students and staff and best of all: happier students!

With four status tiers: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum, K12 Counselors and registrars will automatically receive gift cards as they move up the tiers. Get tips on how to move up, and when you move up the digital record experience for you and your students soars.

Access the Status Program

From Your Monthly Email:
  • After logging into your Parchment Account, click the “View Full Profile” in your monthly status email. It will take you directly to your Profile.
  • From the help center:
  • After logging into your Parchment Account, click Support -> Parchment Send -> Status Program
  • Member-Status-AccessfromHelp

    Your Status Profile is chock full of information!

    On the left hand side, you’ll see content tailored to your Status Tier, enabling you to climb higher in the program and be eligible for more rewards.


    At the bottom, you have easy access to email your Account Executive, Call Support or Sign Up for Training.

    The member status program provides our high schools with real-time analytics that they’ve never had access to before. We hope your’e excited to see how you stack up!

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