Parchment News

South Carolina High School Earns $10,000 Parchment Scholarship

Parchment Staff  •  Aug 22, 2016  •  Blog

It pays to partner with Parchment. Just ask Teasha Gibson Ed.S, NBCT, counselor at Spring Valley High School. Her school has been using Parchment for nearly seven years and their success during the 2015-16 school year has earned a $10,000 Parchment student scholarship!

Introduced in the 2015-16 school year, the Parchment Member Status Program rewards counselors, administrators, learners and their schools for their hard work.  Schools earn rewards based on how frequently they engage with Parchment services. More engagement with Parchment results in a higher status (Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze). The four-tiered program offers performance-based rewards including:

“We hear from high schools regularly asking how they ‘stack up’ or compare to other schools using Parchment,” said Kevin Martin, Parchment Senior Director or Member Development. “The Member Status Program provides regular reporting to schools on their engagement with Parchment and provides tips on how to increase their utilization, with the goal of earning Platinum status and being selected for the $10,000 student scholarship.”

Located in Columbia, South Carolina, Spring Valley High School has a student population of just over 2,000 students, with 434 making up the Class of 2017. At the end of the 2016 school year, Spring Valley was a Platinum member school with Parchment, processing nearly one digital credential per student.

Spring Valley High School Counselors

Pictured L-R (Gail McDonald, Beth Ashworth, Teasha Gibson, Eva Burrell; Not Pictured:Hilary Dickerson)  

“I believe that education changes lives,” says Gibson, a 13-year education professional. “I often tell my students, ‘short of winning the lottery, you will need an education to get somewhere in life.’ Education is what our country was founded on and working in this field allows me to be part of that wonderful process.”

To learn more about the Parchment Member Status Program or to inquire on your school’s status, contact


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