International Verifying

Parchment Digitary Verified International Applicants (VIA).

Discover a game-changing solution for your Educational Institution’s international admissions process with Parchment Digitary – Verified International Applicants (VIA). Streamline and enhance your evaluation procedures, attracting top global talent effortlessly.

celebrating high school diploma

Key Features


Effortless Verification

Digitary VIA simplifies the verification process for international applicants’ credentials. Utilising advanced technology, VIA ensures the authenticity and integrity of documents, saving time and resources for your admissions team.


Secure Document Sharing

With Digitary VIA, international applicants can securely upload and share their academic transcripts and supporting documents directly with your Educational Institution. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that sensitive information is safe within a robust and encrypted platform.


Enhanced Evaluation

Evaluate international applicants more effectively with comprehensive digital portfolios that include verified credentials, language proficiency certificates, and additional supporting materials. Gain a holistic understanding of each candidate, enabling informed admissions decisions.

Benefits of Parchment Digitary VIA

student ordering college transcripts

VIA for International applicants

Verify your academic records to support university applications

  • Enable your application to stand out with verified digital academic records
  • Access your verified academic documents in your Digitary wallet anywhere, any time
  • Re-use for applications to other institutions and enhance your employment opportunities
  • Evaluations for interim qualifications, updated with final qualifications upon completion

How does this help your application?

The journey through application and assessment for admission into university can be a complex and timely process. Streamlining your application with the provision of verified documents through a trusted provider may help accelerate the process. Digitary VIA works to verify academic history and offers a range of benefits which can assist with the admissions assessment and evaluation process.

college student with transcript

VIA for Institutions

Verify international applicants with secure digital credentials

  • Reduce the strain on Admissions staff to manually verify student documents
  • Help to eliminate credential fraud with back-to-source verification for any international applicant
  • A dramatic reduction in cost, effort and stress for admissions and evaluation processes
  • Capturing data in digital format allows for automated feeding into admission systems
  • Enable uniform presentation of key data fields for all applicants to aid application assessment
  • Empower faster and more informed decision‐making enabling early offers of right fit
  • Applicants provide their explicit consent for the processing of their personal data, in accordance with data privacy/security compliance obligations
professor reviewing high school transcript with student

VIA for Agents

Verified digital academic records can help international applicants with university applications

  • Empower your applicants and help applications to stand out with Digitary VIA academic records
  • Enhance your reputation with universities and education institutions
  • Enhanced responsiveness from university’s admissions with Digitary VIA streamlined approach
  • Stand-out as a progressive and learner-centric agency by supporting a digital experience
  • Trusted and accepted means of verified academic records for university applications
  • Facilitate applicants retention of their digital academic records for use with many applications

“Engineers Ireland has greatly benefited from the Parchment Digitary – VIA solution. The streamlined verification process and secure document-sharing capabilities have transformed how we assess international engineering qualifications. The accuracy, reliability, and ease of use have exceeded our expectations, enabling us to make informed decisions with confidence.”

Engineers Ireland

Parchment Digitary connects learners with global opportunities.






New Zealand




United Kingdom



MesCertif Logo

Mycreds Logo

My eQuals logo


How secure is the document-sharing process with Digitary VIA?

The security of your applicants’ documents is our top priority. Digitary VIA utilizes industry-leading encryption protocols to ensure the privacy and integrity of all shared files. You can rest assured that sensitive information remains confidential throughout the evaluation process.

Can Digitary VIA integrate with our existing admissions systems?

Yes! Digitary VIA offers seamless integration with various admissions systems, enabling a smooth and efficient workflow. Our technical support team will work closely with your Educational Institution to ensure a seamless integration experience.

How does Digitary VIA streamline the evaluation process?

Digitary VIA automates several manual processes, such as document verification and transcript evaluation, allowing your admissions team to focus on assessing applicant qualifications rather than tedious administrative tasks. The intuitive interface and user-friendly design make navigating and extracting relevant information easy.

Are you ready to enhance your international admissions process?

man in higher education holding academic records