Harnessing the Power of Technology for Effective Charter School Operations
Parchment Connect National is the best way to meet with your peers from across the country to get inspired and up to speed on the latest trends in credential innovation. Before the new ideas get flowing, brush up on the basics during pre-conference sessions with a FERPA overview and an in-depth training workshop.
First, join AACRAO Senior Fellow LeRoy Rooker for an overview of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the comprehensive federal law that provides privacy protections for student education records. LeRoy is the nation’s leading authority on FERPA. As the director of the Department of Education’s Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) for 21 years, he administered laws and policies designed to help protect the rights of America’s 58 million students.
Mr. Rooker is well known in the postsecondary world because of his extensive outreach to the higher education community while at the Department of Education.
Then, join Parchment’s Product Managers and trainers for one of three hands-on training workshops. Admissions staff will benefit from learning how to receive and process incoming application materials using Parchment Receive. Higher Education Registrars will learn the basics of Parchment Send for Higher Education and get insight into how credentials are received once they’re sent. K-12 Registrars and Counselors will get step by step guidance on how to upload rosters, match credentials, and add additional record types with the customized Parchment Send training sessions.
These sessions will help you use Parchment better and make your day more efficient from beginning to end!
Pre-conference session are complimentary with your Parchment Connect National registration, but space is limited, so register today!
Pre-conference sessions are offered Saturday, March 24th from 9 AM – 12 PM. See the conference schedule here.[callout-1 image=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Connect-Header-wDate-color.jpg” button-text=”Register Now” button-link=”https://www.parchment.com/parchment-connect/” secondary-text=”Read more about what Parchment Connect Offers You”]