
Receiving Verified Credentials from India with Truecopy

Parchment Staff  •  Apr 10, 2017  •  Blog

In March 2016, the number of students from India studying in the United States increased by 31 percent to 194,438 compared to 148,360 the previous year. That means a lot of credentials are making their way to admissions offices across the U.S. If your institution is one of many receiving credentials from Indian applicants, Parchment has a partner solution that can expedite the process.

With Truecopy Credentials, you can receive verified electronic credentials from India directly in your Parchment Receive Inbox. Using Truecopy:

  • Ensures the receipt of official records, authenticated by proper authorities
  • Makes the process of obtaining foreign transcripts easier for the student
  • Ensures that transcripts cannot be modified/tampered with
  • Speeds up the delivery of academic records to the admitting institution
  • Facilitates processing and archiving electronic transcripts

All you have to do is update your webpage to let applicants from India know your receiving preference. For example:

Applicants from institutions in India should request and submit official transcripts directly through TrueCopy Credentials. Requests are processed by Truecopy Credentials and will be sent electronically to the XXX admissions office. You will not need to submit a paper copy of your transcript. Go here to get started.

Interested? Click here to let us know your admissions office is ready to start using Truecopy.

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Admissions Enrollment Advisor looking at student transcripts