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Taking the Road to Innovation: 5 Steps to Empower Your Learners Through Credential Innovation

Parchment Staff  •  Jun 24, 2021  •  Blog

Taking the Road to Innovation: 5 Steps to Empower Your Learners through Credential Innovation

Our Parchment team is focused on providing service to members, learners, and the community. We help turn credentials into opportunities, smoothing enrollment and employment pathways.

The last 12 months have revealed that many credentials are still paper-based. They are fragmented, disconnected, opaque, one-dimensional, and not socially enabled. Most important, they don’t represent the entire education experience: what learners know and how well they know it.

At each step along a learner’s employment and enrollment pathways, a credential is exchanged.

Credentials Reinvented 

Wherever you are in your digital credential strategy, this 5-step process can help.

  1. Go digital. Begin with transcripts and expand to all academic and professional credential types. Make credentials easy to request, fulfill, and consume with all credentials in one place. So, you can offer better service and do more with your resources.
  2. Do what paper can’t. Take the digital form beyond just an image of its paper counterpart, making information clickable, visual, and dynamic. Providing machine-readable data ensures that employers and admissions offices can filter using their enterprise systems.
  3. Create pathways. Enhance credential exchange to support the diverse pathways learners take across institutions on their educational journey. Ensure that courses and credits are portable to maximize learner success.
  4. Communicate content. It’s time to expand the information contained in credentials to be more competency-based and experiential, providing greater depth. The Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) demonstrates student learning outcomes and skills obtained.
  5. Make it actionable. Make credentials easy for learners to collect, manage, and store using a personal credential profile. One-stop online ordering makes it convenient, and digital credentials can be easily shared on social media.


What’s Next?


Contact Parchment to start the conversation about innovating YOUR credentials.

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Admissions Enrollment Advisor looking at student transcripts