Credentialing Made Easy

Everything learners want. Everything you need.

With Parchment’s user-friendly platform and expansive network,
you’ll simplify your days while improving students’ experiences. It’s a win, win!

Click on your industry

From sending digital and printed credentials like transcripts and digital badges to receiving application documents, we have a solution and resources for you!


How Parchment Stacks Up

Parchment has the most comprehensive credential management platform and global network. Our platform has helped K-12 districts, higher ed institutions, state education agencies, employers, admissions offices, background check companies, college application services, OPMs, and certification and licensing boards exchange more than 165 million transcripts, diplomas, certificates, comprehensive learner records (CLRs) and other credentials globally.

Delivery through data

Parchment helps academic and professional organizations leverage the data they have to enable new ways to engage learners and streamline their processes.

Efficiency through automation

Parchment helps to alleviate stress by eliminating manual and repetitive tasks associated with issuing and receiving credentials, like transcripts, diplomas, digital badges, certificates, and verifications.


Whether it is using digital formats to improve print workflows or extending credentials to be more meaningful, we continue to push the boundaries of the norm to turn credentials into opportunities

One Credential Profile

Parchment has a single place where learners can come throughout their lifelong learning to access all of their credentialed accomplishments, from high school to upskilling for their job.


Benefits for Learners

Help your learners open doors and create opportunities across the lifetime of their journey. 

4 reasons why learners love parchment infographic


Our Learners Say It Best

university student next to 95% of learners love parchment text

It’s Easy!

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“Recognized as one of the world’s most transformative growth companies in Digital Learning and Workforce Skills 3 years in a row”

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Ready to discover how Parchment can find a solution that best fits your needs? Fill in the form details and one of our trusted representatives will be in touch soon.

Sign Up or Schedule a Demo

Save hours processing transcript requests, provide visibility
of receipt to your students, and breathe easy all year long.