Looking to connect with students that
have said they want to go to your institution?
Students in Parchment’s software network of 5.6M high school students can tell us they would like to be connected with institutions on their target college list? Those inquiries can then be passed to you through Parchment Recruit, part of the Pathways suite of products. so that you can reach out to them through your existing enrollment marketing tools.
How it works
We recognize that your institution has unique enrollment goals and that reaching best-fit students is essential to fulfilling those goals. Millions of high school students interact with Parchment.
Through data science and advanced analytics, we have built a cost-effective solution that delivers real-time student data, helping your institution make strategic and operational decisions. Our analytics can help you nurture relationships, whether that be with your peers’ feeders schools, or directly with high school students whose academic performance and demographic profile are a good fit.
With Recruit, we deliver filterable, machine-readable data to help you connect with the best-fit students, facilitating both their success and yours. Recruit is a tool for you but the students are the greatest benefactors. They are at the center of everything we do. In a unique combination of aggregated and individual learner data, Recruit allows you to discover who they are and nurture your relationships with them.
Recruit is a must-have solution to help you reach and exceed your enrollment goals.

For Admissions and
Enrollment Marketing Offices

Looking to
Boost Enrollment?
Student pools are shrinking and the lists you have counted on in the past may be slipping away. Parchment Recruit can help. Whether it’s through the new high schools you will be able to uncover or students who have already said they would like to hear from you, Parchment Recruit opens up new recruiting opportunities and gives your recruiting pool the boost it needs.

Need Data to Better
Target Your Marketing?
Parchment Recruit allows you to see a more holistic view of a prospective student. With self-reported demographic and academic data, you can better target your communications for students and spend more time with students that will help you reach your recruitment goals.

Want to Find the
Right Students?
Because we are only connecting you with students who have shown interest in your institution, Parchment Recruit gives you access to students that are more likely to apply. Not only do our institutions see a high rate of students who they have not been in contact with before, but these students have a high yield as well.

Searching for
New High Schools?
Time is of the essence when it comes to recruiting and Parchment Recruit lets you connect with students at the time that they are thinking about their next academic steps. With daily access to new inquiries, your recruitment efforts can start immediately, giving you the leg up on competing institutions.

of US high school students send through
the Parchment Network

yield rate for institutions
using Parchment Recruit
Get a Demo
And find out why thousands of US High School students are raising their hands to be contact by your institution

of students enroll at the first institution
that contacts them

seen at institutions

of US high school students send through
the Parchment Network

of students enroll at the first institution
that contacts them

yield rate for institutions
using Parchment Recruit

seen at institutions