Can I upload my own documents to Digitary Services?
By design, a learner cannot upload their own documents to the platform.
If you would like to have your documents available to you on Digitary Services, so that you can access and share your document credentials with others, then you will need to have your documents issued to you by your Education Provider.
If your institution already uses Digitary Services to issue document credentials to their learners, just reach out to them for help. You institution will be able to issue a document to you or guide you to access documents that may already be issued to you.
If your Education Provider does not currently issue documents via our platform (client list), then you will need to contact the university/organisation that you are applying to and ask them how else they may accept your documents.
Why can’t I see my documents?
If you don’t see your documents when you login, it may be because you did not register and log in to Digitary Services using the method set by your Education Provider.
Your documents can be issued to either your university/institution login account or to an email address. Each of these will require a different login method.
How do you know which method to use?
When your document is issued to you, you will receive an email notification with instructions on exactly how to register and log in to Digitary Services to view your document (also check your spam/junk folder for this email). Follow the link which will bring you to the correct page and follow online instructions.
If you are in any doubt about the login method required, or have not received an email notification, please contact your Education Provider.
- If you do not use the correct login method, you may not be able to see your document
- If you have not received an email, your document may not yet have been issued to you and you will need to contact your Education Provider directly for further assistance.
I’m still waiting for my document to be issued, what can I do?
Only your Education Provider alone can decide when and which documents are issued to you, Digitary Services has no visibility into the status of your document issue.
If you have not received notification that your document has been issued, please contact your Education Provider directly.
My document content is not correct, who do I contact?
If your digital document contains any incorrect content such as incorrect grades or a name misspelled, you will need to get in contact directly with the Education Provider that has issued your document.
Institutions are solely responsible for uploading and issuing learner document credentials and will be able modify your documents if required. Digitary Services cannot amend any documents.
I didn’t receive an email notification that my document was ready to be picked up.
You may be expecting your document to be issued to you shortly.
Please check to see if you received an email notification with instructions on how to create your account. You may need to check your spam/junk folder as well.
The email will contain instructions from your institution for accessing your document(s).
If you still cannot find the email notification, then you will need to contact your institution directly as they will be able to assist you further, including by resending the email.
Be aware that if you did not receive an email notification, your document may not yet be issued to you.
Digitary does not have any control over documents you have ordered nor over which documents are issued to you; this is managed by the institution themselves and they will be able to provide help to you.
What do I do if my education provider account has expired or I can no longer access my email?
You will need to contact your education provider directly for help.
In most cases your education provider will be able to change the initial login method required for you to access your documents.
This will allow you to access your document with your preferred email.
Once this is done, you will receive an email with a link. Follow the link and online instructions to access your document.
What are all the ways that I can share my documents?
There are four main ways in which you can share documents with third parties, all by generating a unique link to the document. There are a number of options available to you to make the process more secure.
Start from your document repository and click on the Share icon next to the document you’d like to share.
You can Share with:
- Email – share to a specific email address, optionally add a secure PIN and/or a share expiry date
- Organisation – securely share to an organisation on the global Digitary network
- Public on the web Securely – create a unique URL to your document and add a PIN; anyone in possession of the URL and the PIN will be able to view your document
- Public on the web – create a unique URL to your document; anyone in possession of the URL will be able to view your document
Email Share
- This is the email address of the person you wish to share your document(s) with.
- Add a personal message to your email. The system will email the document URL together with your personal message to the share recipient.
- For increased security, you can optionally require the recipient to enter a PIN, together with their email, when accessing your document. You can choose your PIN or have one autogenerated for you, either way, your recipient will receive a separate email with the PIN.
- By default, shares do not expire. You can set an expiry date by clicking on this field
- By default, allow your recipient to download your document.
- Click to send the email notification and the email containing the PIN (if a PIN has been set) to your designated share recipient.
Organisation Share
- In the Recipient field, start typing the name of the institution that you would like to share your document with; you’ll get a drop-down menu from which you can choose your institution.
- You can also choose to include an expiry date for your share.
- Click Share and from here you will see notification that your share has been sent.
The organisation to which you have sent the share will then see the share in their designated inbox on the Digitary CORE portal.
Note: If you do not see the Institution you would like to send your document to on the dropdown list, they may not be registered yet on the Digitary network, check with the institution.
Public on the web Securely
- For this type of share, you must create a PIN of between 4-6 digits which you will need to communicate to your recipient separately.
- Optionally, you can also add an expiry date.
- By default, allow your recipient to download your document.
- Click Share.
- You can copy the unique URL and send in an email to whomever you choose.
The recipient requires both the URL and the PIN to view your document.
Public on the web
- Optionally include an expiry date, beyond which, your document share will no longer be available.
- By default, allow your recipient to download your document.
- Click Share.
- Copy the unique URL to your clipboard where you can then paste into a private email or to your CV or LinkedIn profile page if you wish.
Anyone in possession of the URL will be able to view your document.
How do I link another email to my account?
You’ll be able to do this from your Account Settings page.
In this example John Citizen has already associated his university email address (john.citizen@universityemail.com) with his account. As this email address may expire at some point in the future, John would like to link to his lifelong personal email address (john.citizen.digitary@gmail.com) to his account.
Here’s how he can do this.
- Log in to Digitary CORE
- Click the dropdown menu next to your name and go to Account Settings
- Under Email accounts, choose +Link Another Email
- Add the email address that you would like to link to this account and click Add
- At this point, in the Account Settings page, you will be able to see that the new email has not been verified.
- You will have received an email notification with a verification code to verify ownership of the new email address.
- Copy this code and enter it in your account settings page to verify the email.
- You can now log in with either your newly linked email address or the old email address. The same password will work for both email addresses.
- Your newly added email will now show as ‘verified’
In your Account settings, you can also mark this new email as your primary email address by clicking on Make Primary beside the email address.
How do I merge an institution account into my existing account?
You may have created two Digitary CORE accounts, one with an email address and one with your education provider single sign on account. To merge these two accounts into one where you can see all documents issued to you in one place, follow these steps:
Log into your Digitary CORE account via your usual method and go to “Account settings”
Navigate down to “Education provider accounts” and click “LINK ACCOUNT”
Enter in your Institution and click “Continue”
You will then be redirected to your education provider account login page. Once you have logged in, via your education provider account, you will then be redirected back to Digitary CORE. You will be asked if you wish to merge your institution provider account into the account that you are now logged in to.
Choose to merge and follow online instructions.
Thereafter, you will be able to see documents associated with your institution provider account as well as any documents that you saw before the link.
How can I combine and merge my two accounts into one?
To consolidate two email accounts into a single account and access all your documents, follow the example below. Please ensure that you have full access to both your email accounts. If you have lost access to any account, you must recover the access before proceeding with the merge.
Olivia has created two separate accounts with two different email addresses, Olivia has documents in both accounts and now would like to merge these accounts so that she can see all his documents in the one place.
You’ll be able to do this from your Account Settings page.
In the below example, Olivia Citizen has logged into her account with the email Olivia.citizen@universityemail.com, she wants to merge another account into this, one that she has previously created with Olivia.digitary@outlook.com.
- Log in to Digitary CORE (in this case, Olivia logs in with Olivia.citizen@universityemail.com)
- Click the dropdown menu next to your name and go to Account Settings
- Under Email accounts, choose +Link Another Email
- Add the email address that you would like to link to this account and click Add.
- A message will pop up saying that this email is already registered and ask you to enter the password for this account.
- A verification code will be send to the email you are trying to merge to.
- A message will popup to confirm merging the accounts.
- Your newly added email will now show as ‘verified’
- In your profile settings, you can also mark this new email as your primary email address by clicking on Make Primary beside the email address.
I can’t see the organisation I want to share my documents with on the dropdown list
If you cannot see the document that you wish to share your documents to on the share dropdown list, that organisation may not have an active mailbox within Digitary CORE where they can receive your network share.
Organisations that receive large volumes of documents from Digitary CORE education providers will be registered and vetted before appearing on the Digitary network and you can expect this list of organisations to grow over time.
If the organisation with which you want to share your documents doesn’t appear on the list, you can create a share of your document to the specific email address of someone within that organisation.
Still have questions? We’re here to help.